
Thank you for visiting my blog. I look forward to learning from each and every one of you this semester. I hope to gain more insight into education from your experiences and to build upon my own knowledge. Most of all, I look forward to making new friends and having a good time learning new things.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Section 7: New Directions for Instructional Design and Technology

The last section of your textbook discusses the concepts of distributed learning, reusability, rich media and the future of instructional design. Focus on the following for your post:
From Chapter 28 locate 5 examples of distributed learning.
Distributed Learning Examples

Each of the branches of the United States armed forces uses a different system of distributed learning. Members from each branch can and often do receive distributed learning from branches other than their own. Each system is unique and designed to meet the needs of their mission requirements.

Marine net Learning Management System (LMS)

Is the distributed learning infrastructure of the United States Marine Corps. This learning system deploys various learning modules to Marines that are deployed to ships, bases and stations throughout the world and in space. The system incorporates virtual learning environments with video, software, books and end items that are being studies.

U.S. Army Distributed Learning System (DLS)

The U.S. Army Distributed Learning System (DLS) acquires, deploys and maintains a worldwide learning infrastructure that innovatively combines hardware, software and telecommunications resources with training facilities and course content to deliver a cohesive, Web-based solution.

U.S. Navy's Joint ADL – COLAB
Is a system that is run by the United States Navy and focuses on various types of learning. I have personally benefited from the work of the COLAB when I spent time at the USMC flight Rag Squadron in Jacksonville, FL. The work that they conduct is fed in the flight simulators that we (USMC fighter pilots) use to do our training on when we can't get enough flight time.

Training Technology Center
The Training Technology Center is a central location for testing, developing, and showcasing the newest innovations in Gaming and Virtual Worlds. The Center's proximity to the Joint ADL Developer's Environment (JADE) makes it possible to easily explore the ability to integrate these technologies with the current field of LMS technologies. The Center has two main focus areas, the Game-based Training Testbed and the Virtual World Testbed, which are described below.
Game-based Training Testbed The Game-based Training Testbed houses both high-end computers and the newest console systems, providing a perfect location for testing and experimenting with the newest game applications and development tools. The Testbed has a full suite of game software, including examples of current generation game-based training applications, commercial products that have been modified to build Serious Games, and modifiable games that could potentially be used in the development of future Game-based Training applications.
Virtual World Testbed The Virtual World Testbed houses Virtual World technologies and platforms. It is fully networked and capable of running any Virtual World software or servers for applications from low-fidelity, browser-based solutions to fully immersive augmented reality-based applications of virtual worlds supported by our own virtual CAVE environment. The Virtual World Testbed also supports ADL's Second Life Island and JADL's installation on the Team Orlando Island as part of the Military Coalition in Second Life.

United States Air Force's ADL – Advanced Distributed Learning Hub
The United States Air Force uses the second level ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) process for content acquisition and development processes. All five of the ADDIE phases are conducted, but at the second level the ADDIE process has a smaller project-specific scope and includes project planning and management activities more geared to developing individual training and education products. Click on the graphic below or on the tabs to further explore the Air Force's processes.

Coast Guard Advanced Distributed Learning Team (CG-515)


  • E-Learning
  • E-Testing
  • Training Modeling & Simulations
  • Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS)
  • Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETM)
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Chapter 29 discusses the concept of reusability. Think back over the courses you've had over your educational career and identify one with poor reusability characteristics. Explain how the course could be redesigned to improve reusability without changing the underlying content.

My first semester and the University of Texas I took an online course in English that required us (the students) to report to a room and logon to a computer. The unique thing about this English class was that we were not allowed to talk even though we were in the same room. We were required to chat via the closed network of computers. I found the class difficult at times, not being able to talk to the professor using our voice, and listening to him tell us all of the time that our class was the way of the future. I now can honestly say he was right. The only limitation that I found in the class were those that were linked to the technologies involved in putting the course together. The chat responses were not instant and the correspondence between students and with the professor, at times were hindered due to network and computer failure. Due to frequent network failures, I think it would have been better if their would have been a back up plan (traditional instruction). I enjoyed the course because is showed me what was to come as far as education was concerned. Due to blogs not being in play during 1990, it made interaction extremely slow.

Chapter 30 takes a look at using rich media. Find or create a visual for instruction describing its surface and functional features.

The Army’s attempt to design a “first-person thinker” video game for training future generals. Army game-designers have been charged by the ground combat service to build a “Massive Multiplayer Online Game” (MMOG) where a wide range of Army training could take place.
“Potentially an MMOG could be created which adheres to the physical and behavioral reality of the world and provides an ‘always on’ environment in which to execute training, something like World of Warcraft.
The MMOG is intended to be run out of a central secure server farm at some secure location. Soldiers all over the world could log in, slip into a digital avatar and trek over to a particular exercise. Terrain, simulated enemies and special rules could be tailored for every training event. If individuals needed to hone urban combat skills for an upcoming Iraq deployment that could simulate the event prior to their deployment. Service members playing “laser tag” in a 3D town based on actual maps of Baghdad is far cheaper than using real men and women during a training exercise. Nothing is better than boots on the ground or a live fire exercise, but additional training can be conducted at a reasonable price to the government and the tax payer that will help keep the U.S. service men and women alive during combat operations.

And finally! Chapter 32 provides two points of view on the direction of the field - the straight and narrow road and the broad and inclusive road. Which point of view do you agree with and why?

I am a believer in the broad and inclusive road that technology plays in our world. Technology, along with its applications will be forever-changing and all disciplines strive to teach their students the best way possible. The unique thing about the broad and inclusive road is that it can provide a continuous opportunity to train and enhance what has been taught in the classroom. Possessing a narrow outlook would not lead to technological advances in the field that could lead to great developments in the future. Maximizing effective positive training results, delivered to the largest number people possible is the name of the game. In order to do this, one must posses an inclusive outlook on the field. Diversity; “Adapt and over come” and only the strong can survive are all traits of having a broad and inclusive mentality.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your choice of choosing the Broad Road. You did an excellent job of giving reasons behind your choice.
